
Participation is possible by submitting papers. beeing accepted and coming to Gothenburg. There are tree types of submissions: position papers, research papers and reports. All types should treat a topic from the workshop themes.

  • Position papers (2-6 pages): Such papers should state the position of the authors regarding any topic of the workshop.
  • Reports (4-8 pages): Experience reports and case studies are expected to be submitted in this category.
  • Research papers (8-10 pages): Research papers should describe innovative approaches.

See author notes for details.

Important Dates

  • January 25, 2018: paper submission deadline (extended)
  • February 12, 2018: author notification
  • February 26, 2018: submission of camera-ready papers
  • March 19, 2018: workshop date


The workshop is part of REFSQ 2018 in Uetrecht. Details about the location of the conference venue can be found on the REFSQ website.

Paper submission and selection

Papers will be submitted to the Easychair conference managment system, where 2-3 highly qualified reviewers will evaluate them. The papers with at least two positive reviews will be considered for the workshop.

Paper publication

Workshop contributions will be published in the in the joint REFSQ workshop proceedings at Selected extendend papers can be published in the Journal Complex Systems Informatics and Modeling in a regular or special issue.

Last update of this page: January 15, 2018
© 2014-2025 Software Engineering Group, University of Rostock