ECCE2011 is over.

Thank you all for contributing to an interesting conference.

See you at ECCE2012 in Edinburgh!

Venue and Hotel

The ECCE2011 conference will take place at the

University of Rostock
Faculty of Computer Science and Electrical Engineering
Department of Computer Science
(German: Institut für Informatik)
Albert-Einstein-Strasse 22
D-18051 Rostock, Germany

(Maybe you want to view the map in a new window)


Department of Computer Science We look forward to welcoming you to ECCE 2011 at the new building of the Department of Computer Science. Computer access, wireless facilities as well as multimedia projectors will be provided during the conference. You can reach us by Bus (line 20 and 28) or Tram (line 6) getting off at station Mensa. Tram line 6 is the best choice if you arrive in Rostock by train (central station). Bus and tram schedules to station Mensa can be found at the Rostocker Straßenbahn AG website.


Rostock Airport By Plane - Even though there is a small airport (RLG) near Rostock it is probably much easier and cheaper to fly to Berlin (BER, SXF) or Hamburg (HAM) and take a train to Rostock. Or get a rental car (or another) and have fun on Germany's Autobahnen. It is a 1-2 hour drive. Please follow this link (Google Maps) to get a route to our department.

Main Station By Train - Have a look at and search for a connection to Rostock. You can take different sorts of trains and maybe have to change trains in Hamburg or Berlin. Just use the given link to figure out an appropriate way to get here.

Accommodation facilities

Some hotels offer corporate rates for guests of the Rostock University.

Hotels with preferential rates

Further hotels without special University rates

Further information