ECCE2011 is over.

Thank you all for contributing to an interesting conference.

See you at ECCE2012 in Edinburgh!


ECCE 2011 is the 29th annual conference of the European Association of Cognitive Ergonomics. It brings together researchers and practitioners who are interested in disseminating their knowledge, experience and ideas in the area of cognitive ergonomics, human technology interaction and cognitive engineering.


The main theme of ECCE 2011 is "Designing Collaborative Activities". Understanding cognitive abilities and limitations of humans in order to design work systems, tasks and technological artifacts has always been a central part of cognitive ergonomics. While traditionally the focus has been on the performance of single operators or users interacting with machines and computers, more recent work emphasizes the interplay between humans and artifacts in complex social settings enhanced by technology. The application of theoretical frameworks such as Distributed Cognition and Activity Theory contributed to this change in perspective.

Collaborative activities can be found in a variety of contexts (work systems, education, leisure, home). Their design has to take into account issues of communication, coordination, establishing common goals, problem solving, trust, individual and group perception, sharing of artifacts, etc. A deeper understanding of these aspects is crucial to successful engagement of actors.

The conference seeks to encourage dialogue and discussion among participants about the main theme as well as general topics of this conference series. Submissions in the form of long papers, short papers, demonstration papers as well as posters are possible.

The main conference will be preceded by a Doctorial Consortium and a day of workshops.