[an error occurred while processing this directive] EIS2008 - Program
Confirmed Keynote Speakers:

Alan Dix,
Lancaster University

Larry Constantine,
[an error occurred while processing this directive]


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Updated (Sep 16): The final program can be downloaded as pdf-file via the following link PDF.

The social event will take place Thursday evening at Certosa di Calci with a visit to the Museum of Natural History. Some further information on the location of the social event.

Invited Speakers

Alan Dix
Tasks = data + action + context:
automated task assistance through data-oriented analysis
See this page for more details.

Maybe you want to visit Alan's homepage.

Larry Constantine
Linking Human-Centered and Software Engineering Perspectives and Practice: Activity Theory and Human Activity Modeling
See this page for more details.

Larry Constantine is director of the Laboratory for Usage-centered Software Engineering.

TAMODIA - Full papers
Full paperstotop
Assessment of Object Use for Task Modeling
Sybille Caffiau, Patrick Girard, Dominique L. Scapin, et al.

From Task to Agent-Oriented Meta-Models, and Back Again
Steve Goschnick, Sandrine Balbo, Liz Sonenberg

Task Model-based Usability Evaluation for Smart Environments
Stefan Propp, Gregor Buchholz, Peter Forbrig

Information Supply Mechanisms in Ubiquitous Computing,
Crisis Management and Workflow Modelling
Jurriaan van Diggelen, Robbert-Jan Beun, Rogier van Eijk, et al.

AMBOSS: A Task Modeling Approach for Safety-Critical Systems
Matthias Giese, Tomasz Mistrzyk, Andreas Pfau, et al.

Steps in Identifying Interaction Design Patterns for Multimodal Systems
Andreas Ratzka

A Method for Modeling Interactions on Task Representations
in Business Task Management Systems
Todor Stoitsev, Stefan Scheidl

TAMODIA - Short papers
Short paperstotop
UI design without a task modeling language - using BPMN and Diamodl for task modeling and dialog design
Hallvard Trętteberg

An Event-Condition-Action approach for Contextual Interaction in Virtual Environments
Lode Vanacken, Joan De Boeck, Chris Raymaekers, et al.

Task-based Development Methodology for Collaborative Environments
Maik Wurdel, Daniel Sinnig, Peter Forbrig

Automated Usability Evaluation during Model-based Interactive System Development
Sebastian Feuerstack, Marco Blumendorf, Maximilian Kern, et al.

Integrating Groupware Notations with UML
William Joseph Giraldo Orozco, Ana Isabel Molina, Manuel Ortega Cantero, et al.

HCSE - Full papers
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MuiCSer: A Process Framework for Multi-Disciplinary User-Centered Software Engineering processes
Mieke Haesen, Karin Coninx, Jan Van den Bergh, et al.

A Fluid Flow Approach to Usability Analysis of Multi-user Systems
Mieke Massink, Diego Latella, Maurice Beek, ter, et al.

Task-Driven Plasticity: One Step Forward with UbiDraw
Jean Vanderdonckt, Juan Manuel Gonzalez

HCSE - Short papers
Short paperstotop
ShaMAN: An Agent Meta-Model for Computer Games
Steve Goschnick, Sandrine Balbo, Liz Sonenberg

The Guilet Dialog Model and Dialog Core for Graphical User Interfaces
Jürgen Rückert, Barbara Paech

A Study on Appropriate Plant Diagram Synthesis for User-Suited HMI in Operating Control
Mieczyslaw Metzger, Grzegorz Polaków

An Ontology-based Adaptation Framework for Multimodal Interactive Systems
Matthias Bezold

Involving End Users in Distributed Requirements Engineering
Steffen Lohmann, Jürgen Ziegler, Philipp Heim

Concepts for Analysis and Design of Mobile Healthcare Applications
Joseph Mc Knight, Gavin Doherty, Bridget Kane, et al.

Preserving Rich User Interface State Across Various Platforms
Fabio Paternò, Carmen Santoro, Antonio Scorcia

Some Thoughts about the Horizontal Development of Software Engineers
Anke Dittmar, Peter Forbrig

From Desktop to Tabletop: A Migration of User Interface Design for AgilePlanner
Xin Wang, Yaser Ghanam, Frank Maurer

Learning Contexts of Use in the Wild for Driving Plastic User Interfaces Engineering
Vincent Ganneau, Gaėlle Calvary, Rachel Demumieux

The Ecology of Participants in Co-Evolving Socio-Technical Environments
Gerhard Fischer, Antonio Piccinno, Yunwen Ye

System Demonstrations
User Interface Migration between Mobile Devices and Digital TV
Fabio Paterno, Carmen Santoro, Antonio Scorcia

Demonstration of Software Components for End-User Development
Mario Gleichmann, Ilvio Bruder, Thomas Hasart, et al.

Transactions in Task Models
Daniel Reichart, Peter Forbrig