About ManComp 2017

2nd Workshop on Managed Complexity

Managing complexity has a long tradition for algorithms and general problems. One well known strategy used is "divide and conquer"”. Managing complexity is important even for algorithms of problems with small size. However nowadays informatics require managing complexity at different levels and configurations of social, physical, enterprise, software and hardware systems. The workshop is planned to focus on approaches and methods for managing complexity in the domain of applied informatics that may concern an interplay of systems and ecosystems of various sizes and substance. Its purpose is to share and transfer knowledge on complexity identification, representation, controlling and reduction as well as to exploit possible synergies in development of innovative complexity handling strategies, approaches, and methods.

The ultimate goal of the workshop is bringing together researchers and practitioners to discuss theoretical approaches or real-life case studies featuring success and/or failure stories in managing complexity.

It welcomes seeking and discussing answers to such questions as:

  • How is complexity divided?
  • What kinds of models are to be specified?
  • What is the role of system architecture in complexity handling?
  • How is the human recognized in the loop?
  • What kind of rules are to be applied?
  • In which way do patterns help?
  • Which notation or ontologies are useful in complexity handling?
  • How is knowledge reused?
  • How is knowledge propagated?
  • ... and many others.

Based on these discussions, we expect to deepen the understanding of strategies, approaches, and methods in managing complexity in enterprise, software and hardware gineering. A cross-pollination of experiences in both domains is assumed.

ManComp 2017 will be held in conjunction with BIR2017.

ManComp 2017 organizers

Mārīte Kirikova Peter Forbrig Charles Møller
Riga Technical University, Latvia University of Rostock, Germany Aalborg University, Denmark
Last update of this page: April 24, 2017
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