About CRE'19

5th Workshop on Continuous Requirements Engineering

Engineering-based approaches are rooted into well elaborated systems models, enterprise architectures, ontologies, and information logistics representations. Engineering-based approaches also provide transparency, reliability, and security in the whole lifecycle of the system. Currently engineering approaches are designed and are mainly applied for large enterprises that have relatively long change cycle time. When the changes are more frequent and higher flexibility is required, in large systems the engineering processes grow into continuous engineering. Continuous engineering naturally requires continuous requirements engineering that can combine rigid engineering principles with agility, emergence, and spontaneity to support sustainability and viability of the systems.

In different ways, smaller scale enterprises managing in turbulent environment also need new approaches, methods and tools to be capable to embrace the growing variety of opportunities and challenges offered by fast changing and hardly predictable environment. In this type of systems continuous requirements engineering also can be a solution if integrated with management and design approaches applicable for smaller scale enterprises.

The challenge of the workshop is to support continuous requirements engineering approaches, methods, models, and tools for multi-scale fast changing enterprises and predictable and unpredictable configurations of enterprise networks. Reports about new ideas and experience reports in this context will be presented and discussed. Also welcomed are reports about continuous requirements engineering approaches that not yet have been applied to continuous engineering but have the potential for that. A cross-pollination of experiences in modeling and requirements management is assumed.

CRE'19 will be held in conjunction with REFSQ 2019.

CRE'19 organizers

Peter Forbrig Mārīte Kirikova
University of Rostock, Germany Riga Technical University, Latvia
Last update of this page: November 06, 2018
© 2014-2018 Software Engineering Group, University of Rostock