Call for papers
The challenge of the workshop is to
support continuous requirements engineering approaches, methods,
models, and tools for multi-scale fast changing enterprises and
predictable and unpredictable configurations of enterprise
networks. Reports about new ideas and experience reports in this
context are welcomed and will be presented and discussed. Also
welcomed are reports about continuous requirements engineering
approaches that not yet have been applied to continuous
engineering but have the potential for that.
A cross-pollination of experiences in modeling and requirements
management is assumed.
There are three types of submissions: position papers, research papers and reports. All types should treat a topic from the workshop themes.
- Position papers (2-6 pages): Such papers should state the position of the authors regarding any topic of the workshop.
- Reports (4-8 pages): Experience reports and case studies are expected to be submitted in this category.
- Research papers (8-10 pages): Research papers should describe innovative approaches.
If further information is needed, please contact- Peter Forbrig ·